Dana International

Here you find all Dana's CD's and singles, for a few Albums there are sound samples you can listen. Also for all songs on the albums the lyrics are provided her. You will need acrobat reader to read the lyrics files.

Word Of Thanks To
Geir Skogseth for making the files
Ziv Geri
Meital Itzhaky

Soon Available
The Eurovision 99 Multimedia CD

Eurovision Mutlmedia CD

Dana International
Newest Album and Singles

Danać„€ new Israeli singles

Ad sof ha-zman

Mocher ha-prachim





Woman In Love
Dana International

Dana International




Diva Ha-Oset

Dana International
The Album

Free The Album
Dana International

Helicon/Big Foot 1996>

Sa'ida SultanaDana International
(Shushu)- IMP Dance 1992

Fata morgana
IMP Dance 1993

Yeshnan banot
IMP Dance 1994

Anilo yekhola

IMP Dance 1994

IMP Dance 1994

IMP Dance 1995

Laylatov, Eropa

IMP Dance 1995

Anirotza li-chyot

IMP Dance 1995


Helicon/Big Foot 1996

Helicon/Big Foot 1996>

Let Kiss
Helicon/Big Foot 1996>

Yesh bo esh
Helicon/Big Foot 1996>

Sex acher
Helicon/Big Foot 1997>

Don Quixote
Helicon/Big Foot 1996>
How can I buy Dana CD's
Informations from Geir Skogeseth

Are Dana's records released outside of Europe and Israel?
So far, the only territory outside Europe and Israel where Dana's international records have been released is Australia (and New Zealand?). However, Free (the album) will probably be released in Japan in January 2000.
As for the Americas, the rest of Asia and Africa - there no plans at present (that I know of).

Where can I get hold of Dana's Israeli records outside Israel?
Dana's management is considering to sell Dana's Israeli records by mail order through the official website - however, nothing is clear yet. In the meantime, your best bet is probably the World Music or import sections in big record stores like Virgin Megastore, Tower Records, FNAC, etc. in big cities in Europe and the US.
Another possibility is mail order: Ha-Sifria - a shop in London specialising in Jewish and Israeli music and books. Tel: +44 181 202 2118 - Fax: +44 181 202 8732 - e-mail: hasifria@hotmail.com (all "Att: Mrs. Shirley Am Shalom") They do not have a website for the time being. Note: Ha-sifria will stock the Israeli edition of Free - they hope to get it by 20 September!
In the UK you can also try Trehantiri in London. They specialize in music from Greece, the Middle East and the Eurovision. They stock most of Dana's Israeli releases as well as everything released in the UK and Europe. They even have very rare 12" single releases available from time to time.
An American mail-order company for Jewish related CDs, books, etc - Hataklit - usually stocks all her albums, including Diva - the collection.(Just a note of caution: A friend ordered EPTampa from them and received a copy of Umpatampa - so hammer in which one it is that you want!)
A shop in Paris also stocks Dana's records: Diasporama - 20, rue des Rosiers - 75004 Paris, phone them on +33 1 42 78 30 50 or fax them on + 33 1 42 74 38 76.Tell them who sent you!
Other internet mail order companies like Amazon.com, CDNow and ActionRecords stock Dana's Israeli records occasionally.

Where in Israel can I get hold of Dana's records released abroad?
Ziv Geri found Diva (the CNR single - not the CNR remix, though) in Ha-Shalom Canyon in Tel Aviv, and the Sony release in the Disk Center branch in Dizengof Center in central Tel Aviv. You could of course also try Tower Records in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa. Woman in love has been released in Israel, and I suppose the following singles will be as well.
The Helicon/PolyGram releases Cinque milla and The Album seem not to be available in Israel, except as pirate copies.
Free (the single) has been released in a special Israeli edition by NMC Music, who will also release the album of the same name as well as Ani ohevet as a single for the Israeli market (but only a promotion single so far).

How do I get in touch with Dana's management to book her for events?
For bookings, the right person to get in touch with is Jack Ben-Haim, he can be reached on phone +972 3 524 5012, mobile +972 50 382 233 or fax +972 3 527 6887. (All numbers in Israel.)
You can also try her European record companies: CNR International, or its mother company Arcade Music Group, which has representatives in most European countries.

What international record companies now release Dana's records?
Dana signed contracts with two international record companies after the Eurovision. In addition, Dana's former Israeli record company Helicon has released parts of Dana's back catalogue in Europe distributed by PolyGram.

Before the Eurovision final, Dana made a 4-album deal with the Dutch record company CNR International. That contract covers the BeNeLux (the Netherlands, Belgium & Luxemburg), Austria, Switzerland, France, Greece and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden & Denmark). A few days after winning the Eurovision, she signed a contract with Sony Music UK. However, during autumn '98 Dana and Sony decided to part, so CNR is now promoting Dana all over Europe (except for the UK).

In August, it turned out that Helicon, Dana's former Israeli record company, put together a compilation from Dana's back catalogue for release in Europe, The Album, distributed by the international record company PolyGram. They also released the single Cinque milla and distributed the video made for the song in 1996 to promote the two releases.
CNR International ceased their operations in Germany in February 1999, the record company ZYX now promotes Dana there. In Greece, Dana's records are distributed by FM Records. In Australia, Dana's records are released on BMG's subsidiary Transistor.

What Israeli record company now releases Dana's records?
Dana's current Israeli record company is NMC Music, which has released Dana's latest single Free and will release the album of the same name in September 1999.
Dana's first 3 albums Danna International, Umpatampa and EPTampa were released by IMP Dance, a record company mainly releasing compilation albums with dance hits. Dana then moved on to Helicon's dance subsidiary Big Foot for her 1996 album Maganona. For the 1998 compilation album Diva - ha-osef, Helicon cooperated with IMP Dance.
Dana's former Israeli record company, Helicon, was blocking the release of Diva on single in Israel - presumably because this would mean a loss of sales for Diva - ha-osef (the compilation). Helicon claimed Dana was bound to them in Israel until the end of 2000, accordingly Dana took them to court and won - she is thus free from any obligations towards Helicon.